Suncor Energy Inc.

Suncor Energy, Canada’s largest integrated energy company, recovers bitumen from oil sands near Fort McMurray, Alberta, and upgrades it to refinery-ready feedstock and diesel fuel. Suncor’s strategy is to be Canada’s leading energy company by growing its business in low greenhouse gas (GHG) fuels, electricity and hydrogen while sustaining and optimizing its existing hydrocarbon business and transforming its GHG footprint; all enabled by its expertise, long-life resources, integrated business model, strong connection to customers, and world-class environment, social and governance (ESG) performance.

The Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) protocols reinforce continuous improvement opportunities for Suncor and support the company’s emphasis on sustainability throughout the organization.

For more information, including detailed facility specific performance metrics, please visit

Suncor’s 2023 TSM Internal Assessment Results

Internal 2023 assessment results for Suncor’s oil sands Base Plant and Fort Hills mine reflect performance to the date they are published, where feasible, and are aligned with TSM’s annual reporting timeline.

Water Stewardship

Responsible water use is essential to Suncor. A holistic approach to water management is necessary to sustainably develop our oil sands mines and meet our commitments to reclaim disturbed lands. This approach must consider all elements of water management, including the reduction, recycling, reuse and discharge of treated mine water.

Base Plant: The facility maintained a Level A for Indicators 1, 2 and 4, and a Level AAA for Indicator 3.

Fort Hills: The installation maintained a Level A for Indicators 1, 2 and 4, and a Level AAA for Indicator 3.

Tailings Management

Facilities continue to make progress in tailings management and have worked hard in this area to align with the protocol. Work continues to allow the company to continue to learn and adapt its approach to tailings management. Changing guidelines, regulations and community expectations also provide valuable insight into opportunities for improvement in this area.

Suncor’s tailings management system underwent an external TSM audit in 2022. This audit confirmed that a robust system was in place. Following the external audit, the level of indicator 2 of the base plant was returned to level AAA, as the emergency response exercise planned for 2023 was successfully completed. Therefore, Level AAA was achieved for all indicators at the base plant and Fort Hills in 2023.

Base Plant: The facility achieved a Level AAA result for all indicators.

Fort Hills: The installation maintained a Level AAA rating for all indicators.

Indigenous and Community Relationships

External outreach has always been a key part of maintaining Suncor’s social license to operate, and the company regularly engages with communities of interest (including several indigenous communities). Its stakeholder relations framework highlights the company’s commitment to collaboration, transparency and respect for all points of view. This framework guides the development of meaningful, long-term relationships with those affected by its activities, including employees, indigenous and other members of local communities, shareholders, customers, organizations and governments.

Basic factory: The factory has always performed well in this area and has reached the AAA level for all indicators.

Fort Hills: The institution has consistently performed well in this area and achieved the AAA level for all indicators.

Biodiversity Conservation Management

Throughout the life cycle of our projects, we seek to avoid, minimize, restore and/or compensate for the impacts of our activities on biodiversity. To minimize impacts, Suncor relies on scientific research and best management practices while working with neighboring businesses and communities to reduce the cumulative effects of development. The company also collaborates with industry peers and multi-stakeholder organizations on initiatives to conserve and restore habitat for birds, mammals, fish and other species.

Base Plant: The facility maintained Level AAA for all three indicators.

Fort Hills: The establishment maintained the AAA level for all three indicators.

Crisis Management and Communications Planning

Suncor is strongly committed to managing crises and emergencies, ensuring that business risks are identified through an internal risk management system. The company has established response plans and an incident command system is implemented throughout the organization.

Base Plant: The facility has met all requirements of this protocol and maintained a “yes” score for all indicators.

Fort Hills: The facility has met all requirements of this protocol and received a “yes” score for all indicators.

Safety and Health

Suncor demonstrates a strong commitment and accountability to health and safety, with established policies and commitments made across the organization.

Additionally, the company maintains strong training, behavior and culture through extensive programs involving all staff in health and safety activities.

The company has experienced poor performance with significant incidents in recent years. It is committed to taking the necessary measures to improve security on all of its sites. It focuses in particular on ensuring critical controls, coaching managers and implementing more effective corrective actions, likely to avoid incidents and reduce their consequences.

Base plant: The facility maintained a level AAA for indicators 1 and 3, a level AA for indicators 2, 4 and 5.

Fort Hills: The installation maintained a Level AAA for Indicators 1 and 3, and a Level AA for Indicators 2, 4 and 5.

Climate Change

Suncor’s climate goals depend on decarbonizing our operations and expanding low-carbon businesses. In this way, we support the energy transition in line with societal and consumer expectations and contribute to global energy security, which is based on all forms of energy. Energy that is both responsible and safe is needed to create a more resilient business – and world.

We focus, on the one hand, on reducing core corporate emissions through fuel switching, energy efficiency and CCS and, on the other hand, on developing profitable businesses in the field of electricity and low-carbon fuels. Because many of the technologies and projects we are implementing will deliver incremental improvements, our emissions reduction trajectory to 2030 is not linear. We estimate that around half of our 10 Mt target will be achieved through direct emissions reductions in our operations and the remainder will be achieved elsewhere in our value chain, including through the sale of low carbon products.

Business: Suncor achieved a Level A for Indicator 1.

Base plant: The plant achieved a level AA for indicator 2 and an A for indicator 3.

Fort Hills: The establishment received an AA level for indicator 2 and an A for indicator 3.

For more information, please visit

Self-Assessed Results

2024 Résultats VDMD

Suncor Energy Inc.

Résultats de l’évaluation du protocole VDMD de planification de la gestion de crises et des communications
Établissement Préparation à la gestion de crises et aux communicationsRevueFormation
Suncor Energy Inc. – Corporate
Base Plant
Fort Hills
Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025
Résultats de l’évaluation du protocole VDMD de prévention du travail des enfants et du travail forcé
Base Plant
Fort Hills
Résultats depuis: Dec 23, 2022
Note : Ces exigences sont évaluées tous les trois ans lors de la vérification externe.
Résultats de l’évaluation du protocole VDMD de santé et sécurité
Engagement et obligation de rendre compteÉlaboration et mise en œuvre d’un planFormation, comportement et cultureSurveillance et rapportsPerformance
Base Plant
Fort Hills






Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025
Résultats de l’évaluation du protocole VDMD de gestion des résidus miniers
Politique de gestion des résidus miniers et énoncé des engagementsSystème de gestion des résidus miniersRépartition des obligations de rendre compte et des responsabilitésExamen annuel de la gestion des résidus miniersManuel d’opération, d’entretien et de surveillance (OES)
Base Plant
Fort Hills






Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025
Résultats de l’évaluation du protocole VDMD de gestion du maintien de la biodiversité
Engagement, obligation de rendre compte et communicationsPlanification et mise en œuvre du maintien de la biodiversitéRapports
Base Plant
Fort Hills






Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025
Résultats de l’évaluation du protocole VDMD d’intendance de l’eau
Gouvernance de l’eauGestion de l’eau destinée aux opérationsPlanification des bassins versantsRendement et production de rapports liés à l’eau
Base Plant
Fort Hills






Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025
Relations avec les Autochtones et les collectivités
Identification des communautés d’intérêtsProcessus d’échange et de dialogue efficaces avec les communautés d’intérêtsProcessus d’échange et de dialogue efficaces avec les communautés autochtonesGestion des répercussions et des avantages pour les communautésSystème de rétroaction
Base Plant
Fort Hills






Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025
Résultats de l'évaluation du protocole VDMD sur les changements climatiques
Corporate Climate Change ManagementFacility Climate Change ManagementFacility Performance Targets and Reporting
Suncor Energy Inc. – Corporate
Base Plant
Fort Hills






Résultats depuis: Jan 07, 2025

Lettre d’assurance

Suncor Energy Inc. | 2022 | Lettres d’assurance VDMD

Suncor Energy Inc. | 2018 | Lettres d’assurance VDMD

Suncor Energy Inc. | 2015 | Lettres d’assurance VDMD

Suncor Energy Inc. | 2006 | Lettres d’assurance VDMD

Verification Summary Reports

Suncor Energy Inc. | Base Plant | 2022 | Verification Summary Report

Résultats VDMD historiques

Résultats VDMD 2024

Résultats VDMD 2023

Résultats VDMD 2022 (Résultats vérifiés en externe)

Résultats VDMD 2021

Résultats VDMD 2019

Résultats VDMD 2018

Résultats VDMD 2017

Résultats VDMD 2016

Résultats VDMD 2015 (Résultats vérifiés en externe)

Résultats VDMD 2014

Résultats VDMD 2013

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