Towards Sustainable Mining

TSM News & Updates

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What is Towards Sustainable Mining?

How does TSM Work?

The Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative allows mining companies to turn high-level environmental and social commitments into action on the ground.

At the same time, it provides communities with valuable information on how operations are faring in important areas, such as community outreach, tailings management and biodiversity.

Participation in the TSM initiative is mandatory for all MAC members for their Canadian operations.

Resources & Training

TSM Protocols & Frameworks

The TSM Guiding Principles are backed by a suite of protocols that mining companies measure and publicly report their performance against in the annual TSM Progress Reports.

TSM Online

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Submit TSM Data

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Community of Interest Advisory Panel

The Community of Interest (COI) Advisory Panel is an independent, multi-interest group comprised of about 12 to 15 individuals from Aboriginal groups, communities where the industry is active, environmental and social NGOs, and labour and financial organizations. Select members of the MAC Board also sit on the Panel to provide a mining industry perspective to discussions.

Established in 2004, the Community of Interest Advisory Panel (COI Panel) plays a key role in the ongoing development and implementation of the TSM initiative.

Theresa Baikie

(Peuples autochtones)

Membre du panel

Carol Plummer

Représentant de l'industrie

Dan Benoit

(un citoyen de la Nation métisse)

Membre du panel

Brent Bergeron

(Vice-président principal, Affaires général et durabilité)

Représentant de l'industrie

Carolyn Chisholm

(Rio Tinto)

Représentant de l'industrie

Jocelyn Fraser

(Développement international)

Membre du panel

Pierre Gratton

(Association minière du Canada)

Représentant de l'industrie

Dennis Howlett

(Foi et justice sociale)

Membre du panel

Tim Johnston

(Développement économique et communautaire)

Membre du panel

Sujane Kandasamy


Membre du panel

Daniel McNeely

Membre du panel

Josée Méthot

(Association minière du Québec)

Représentant de l'industrie

Glenn Nolan

Représentant de l'industrie

Graeme Reed


Membre du panel

David Walkem

(Développement économique et communautaire)

Membre du panel

Richard Paquin


Membre du panel

Stephen Walker

(Finances et investissement)

Membre du panel

Verification Service Providers

In 2020, the Mining Association of Canada began a review of the Towards Sustainable Mining Verification Service Providers Terms of Reference. Key survey findings and next steps are available here for public comment by March 30, 2021.

To become an eligible TSM Verification Service Provider (VSP), a verifier must meet complete a TSM training workshop and meet the conditions outlined in the TSM VSP Terms of Reference.

Learn more  by following the links below.

International Reach & Adoption

TSM is rapidly being adopted by mining chambers internationally.

The Mining Association of Canada

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The Argentinean Chamber of Mining Entrepreneurs (CAEM)

Visit Website

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Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração (IBRAM)

Visit Website

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Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM)

Visit Website

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Confederación nacional de empresarios de la minería y de la metalurgia

Visit Website

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Minerals Council of Australia (MCA)

Visit Website

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Norsk Bergindustri

Visit Website

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Finnish Mining Association

Visit Website

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Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (COMP)

Visit Website

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Association minière du Québec

Visit Website

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Industry Performance

Industry aggregate results charts

Individual company results

International initiatives table

Voluntary principles statements

TSM Awards

TSM Leadership Awards

A TSM Leadership Award is granted only when a facility meets or exceeds a Level A ranking in its results across all six Towards Sustainable Mining protocols, satisfies the criteria for crisis management planning, and confirms that there is no child or forced labour at its operations. A facility’s TSM results must be externally verified to be eligible for this recognition.

TSM Excellence Awards

TSM Excellence Awards acknowledge innovative projects and initiatives that expand and promote sustainable development within the mining sector. Each year, companies, facilities and individuals that have raised the bar for the industry through environmental and social programs will be recognized with TSM Excellence Awards at the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum’s (CIM) Awards Gala.

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