There is a natural synergy that exists between mining and clean technology and the raw materials found in Canadian mines are transformed into technology that is enabling the world to transition to a low carbon future. This includes the minerals and metals required for building the public transit used in communities across the country.
This commitment to environmental stewardship is an important component of the Towards Sustainable Mining® program, a Mining Association of Canada led initiative focused on providing the tools to enable mining companies to meet society’s needs for minerals, metals and energy products in the most socially, economically and environmentally responsible way.
Just one example of this can be seen in nickel, a metal of which Canada is a major producer. Nickel is found in everything from re-chargeable batteries, to wind turbines, to solar panels and is an essential element in the products that we use every day, specifically in public transit. So, when you board a bus, a train or a streetcar that has been built using Canadian nickel, you can know that you are using public transportation that has been built with the lowest-carbon nickel in the world.