Performance Reports & Awards

Transparent reporting of TSM performance allows the mining sector’s communities of interest to take a detailed look at the sustainability performance of specific mine sites.

Each year, facilities must assess and publish their performance against the performance indicators outlined the TSM Protocols. These results are externally verified every three years, and accompanied by a letter assurance from the company’s CEO or equivalent. All of these reports and documents are published on the MAC website at the links below.

Company Performance: This page includes links to the most recent company reporting on TSM, including performance results for each TSM indicator at each mining or metallurgical facility. Externally verified performance data is clearly indicated in each company report. All current and past letters of assurance from the CEO are available at the bottom of each company page.

Industry-Wide Performance TrendsThis page demonstrates progress across the TSM performance indicators over time and at all facilities.

Community of Interest Panel StatementThis is the most recent statement from the Mining Association of Canada’s multi-interest governance body, the Community of Interest Panel. The panel’s annual statement offers an independent reflection on key areas of interest related to sustainable mining and progress in the past year.

Previous TSM Progress Reports

In 2019, the Mining Association of Canada transitioned to a fully online reporting system for TSM performance results. To view previous years’ results, scroll to the bottom of a company’s performance report and select ‘Historical TSM Results’.

Making Claims about TSM Performance

TSM performance results must be reported in a manner consistent with the Mining Association of Canada’s Terms of Reference for Verifiers and membership commitment. Companies and facilities can make claims or use labels in relation to TSM performance upon completion of their first self-assessment. For more information, please review the TSM Claims and Labels Policy.

Approach to annual reporting

In 2021, facilities transitioned to a new approach for reporting TSM performance results. TSM results are now published based on performance at the time of assessment, rather than an assessment of the previous year’s performance. Users of this data will therefore notice a gap in performance results for the year 2020, as companies realigned their approach to reporting. Facilities now have the option of updating their TSM performance results at any point in the calendar year. The performance reports found at the below links clearly indicate the dates on which companies reported against each protocol. Any updates made to reports over the course of the year are archived at the bottom of the company report under ‘Historical TSM Results’.

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