Become a Member

Benefits of Membership

The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) has a strong presence in Ottawa and works with members to represent our industry’s interests to government and other important industry stakeholders.

Membership enables companies to:

  • Be a part of a unified voice that promotes a strong and competitive Canadian mining industry
  • Capitalize on MAC’s credibility with government and industry stakeholders to advance interests
  • Obtain social license to operate through the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program
  • Access MAC’s government and policy expertise, and large network of experts and partners
  • Participate in committees and working groups focused on a variety of critical policy priorities
  • Learn from and collaborate with peers in the industry
  • Receive timely information on industry issues and MAC activities

Types of Membership

MAC offers three types of membership depending on the company’s type of business. Note that memberships are at the corporate-level and not for individuals.

Full Member with Active Operations in Canada

Companies operating a producing mine or reduction plant or holding 20 percent of the issued capital stock of such a corporation may qualify to become a full member.  As part of the application package, prospective members must:

  • Have a mining presence in Canada
  • Demonstrate a commitment to MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining® (TSM) program by completing a TSM self-assessment of operating units (note: this self-assessment is confidential, shared only with MAC’s CEO, Senior Vice President and Comptroller).

After the membership application is approved by MAC’s Board of Directors, new members are accepted as provisional members until they undertake an external verification of TSM and meet a performance threshold of achieving Level A (or ‘Yes’ in the Crisis Management and Preventing Child and Forced Labour Protocols) in at least 50% of the 30 TSM indicators.  At this point, the provisional status is removed and a member is considered a full member. The external verification must be undertaken within four years of becoming a provisional member.

In addition, member companies with international operations that rely upon private or public security forces are required to commit to implementing a human rights and security approach consistent with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and based on a determination of risk at mining facilities that they control.  As part of this commitment, member companies with international operations are required provide a brief (1 page) report on their implementation annually and published on MAC’s website.

All provisional and full members are entitled to voting rights and may sit on the Board of Directors and participate equally on all MAC committees.

Full Members with No Operations

Companies with exploration and development projects are required to complete a self-assessment of their projects, using either the relevant Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) protocols or the Finnish Mining Association’s Standard for Sustainable Exploration, as part of the membership application package (note: this self-assessment is confidential, shared only with MAC’s CEO, Senior Vice President and Comptroller).

Associate Member
Companies that are not directly involved in the mining business, but supply products and services to the mining industry and support the aims of MAC are eligible to become an associate member. Associate members enjoy all the privileges of membership, with the exception that they may not vote on matters before the Board of Directors.

Working Committees

MAC members are encouraged to participate in any of the following committees and working groups that the association manages and facilitates on behalf of its membership:

  • Energy Committee
  • Environment Committee
  • Indigenous Relations Committee
  • International Social Responsibility Committee
  • Metals Working Group
  • Public Affairs Committee
  • Science Committee
  • Tailings Working Group
  • Taxation Committee
  • Transportation Committee
  • TSM Governance Team
  • TSM Initiative Leaders Committee

Interested in becoming a MAC member?

If your company is interested in becoming a MAC member, contact Marilyn Fortin, MAC’s Comptroller and head of member relations, at or 613.233.9392 ext. 322.

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