Opportunities for Public Comment

Updates to the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program are generally developed by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC). MAC posts relevant draft policies and protocols on the MAC website for public comment. After an initial review by the TSM Governance Team, documents are typically posted for 30 days, though the duration of the public comment period may change depending on the timelines involved. 

Any comments received are shared with the TSM Initiative Leaders and the Community of Interest Panel to inform further drafts of a given document. MAC also publishes a high-level summary of comments received, alongside a brief explanation of how the comments were or were not addressed.

Current and Upcoming Opportunities

There are currently no TSM policies or protocols in draft on which MAC is soliciting public comment. As opportunities for public comment on the Towards Sustainable Mining initiative arise, they will be posted here.

If you’d like to receive news about the Towards Sustainable Mining initiative, you can sign up for the TSM newsletter.

If you have questions about the Towards Sustainable Mining initiative that are not addressed on this website, please contact

Past Opportunities for Public Comment

August 2022 – Draft TSM Inclusive and Respectful Workplaces Protocol

The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) is leading the development of a new standard on inclusive and respectful workplaces, as part of the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program. This draft protocol is being developed in collaboration with the Minerals Council of Australia and its members, with the support of other TSM partner associations. MAC has drawn upon the insights of its members, Community of Interest Panel, and many valued experts and practitioners.  Download the draft documents here.

August 2022 – Draft Revisions to TSM Crisis Management and Communications Planning Protocol

The Mining Association of Canada is proposing minor revisions to the TSM Crisis Management and Communications Planning Protocol. Comments from any individuals or organizations with an interest in this protocol should be submitted to  Download the draft document here.

July 2021 – TSM Verification Policies

In July 2021, MAC published for public comment a suite of new and revised policies related to its Towards Sustainable Mining program. MAC received responses from three individuals or organizations – all current TSM verifiers. In addition to minor clarifications and corrections on several draft policies, MAC received several substantive comments on the draft revisions to the Terms of Reference for Verifiers. MAC’s response to the comments received can be downloaded here.

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