Changes in Version 3.1
Version 3.1 is an update to the third edition of A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (the Tailings Guide), released in November 2017, to reflect the second edition of MAC’s Developing an Operation, Maintenance, and Surveillance Manual for Tailings and Water Management Facilities (the OMS Guide), released at the same time as Version 3.1 of the Tailings Guide.
The most significant change is a re-write of Section 5.2 Emergency Preparedness. This section now provides more detailed guidance for the preparation of emergency response plans and emergency preparedness plans.
Other changes include:
- alignment of terminology and definitions with the second edition of the OMS Guide;
- clarifying the definition of an Accountable Executive Officer;
- affirming that the scope of both Performance Evaluation (section 6) and Management Review for Continual Improvement (section 7) includes the site-specific tailings management system, emergency response plan, emergency preparedness plan, and the OMS manual;
- addition of guidance on post-incident analyses in Section 6 Performance Evaluation;
- addition of text to clarify the difference between the checklist tool described in Section 5.3, and the Table of Conformance developed by MAC as a tool to assess performance against the Indicators described in the TSM® Tailings Management Protocol; and
- minor editorial corrections.