The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) is the national organization for the Canadian mining industry. Its members account for most of Canada’s production of base and precious metals, uranium, diamonds, metallurgical coal, and mined oil sands, and are actively engaged in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication. Representing members committed to sustainability, MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining® (TSM®) initiative is an award winning and world-leading standard that fosters continuous performance improvement in environmental and social mining practices.
MAC promotes the interests of the industry nationally and internationally, works with governments on policies affecting minerals, informs the public, and promotes collaboration to solve common issues and foster progress. MAC works closely with provincial and territorial mining associations and other industries, as well as with environmental and community groups across Canada.
This document consolidates the latest information on COVID-19 testing for use by MAC members. It includes advice from public health agencies and information on current industry practices to manage the risk of COVID-19 at mine sites. This document will be regularly updated as industry practices and public health guidance evolve.