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Canadian Mining Stories

As Eldorado Gold Corporation’s #Québec Exploration Superintendent, Nathalie Prud’homme is a geologist with decades of[...]

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Report  | 
MAC’s annual flagship publication detailing the latest trends in the Canadian mining industry.

Canadian Mining Stories

The sector is a major economic driver in our Canadian economy and a great contributor to jobs and leading technologies and here are our stories. 

Angela Bigg

As Rio Tinto’s Diavik Diamond Mine’s GM, Angela Bigg leads a team of 1,100 people who sustainably mine gem-quality diamonds from Lac de Gras in Canada’s NWT. She has worked...

Glencore / Tamatumani

Empowering Aboriginal Women…Inspiring the Next Generation Through the Tamatumani program, Vicki Amidlak became the first Inuit woman to work as an underground miner at Glencore’s Raglan Mine, located in Nunavik...

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