COI Panel Post-Verification Review Report: 2015

COI Advisory Panel Post-Verification Review Report for Taseko Mines Limited and Agnico Eagle Mines Limited.

The purpose of this report is to present the summary of discussions of the MAC Community of Interest Advisory Panel (COI Panel) post-verification review (PVR) for Taseko and Agnico Eagle. Meeting presentations and briefing materials were provided to the COI Panel and are not duplicated in the body of this report.

For more information on the October 2015 Panel Meeting, please see the October 2015 COI Panel Meeting Report.

This report is organized by the following sections:

  • Section 2: Overview of Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM)
  • Section 3: Overview of the TSM verification system and COI Panel post-verification review
  • Section 4: Results and discussion of the 2015 post-verification review: Taseko
  • Section 5: Results and discussion of the 2015 post-verification review: Agnico Eagle
  • Section 6: Key reflections from the 2015 post-verification review
  • Section 7: Panel feedback on the post-verification review process

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