The purpose of this report is to present the summary of discussions of the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) Community of Interest Advisory (COI) Panel (“the Panel”) post-verification review (PVR) for Imperial Metals and Dominion Diamond Mines (Dominion). Meeting presentations and briefing materials were provided to the Panel and are not duplicated in the body of this report.
For more information on the October 2018 Panel Meeting, please see the October 2018 COI Panel Meeting Report.
This report is organized by the following sections:
- Section 2: Overview of Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative
- Section 3: Overview of the TSM verification system
- Section 4: Overview of the COI Panel PVR process
- Section 5: Results and discussion of the 2018 PVR: Imperial Metals
- Section 6: Results and discussion of the 2018 PVR: Dominion Diamond Mines
- Section 7: Key takeaways from the 2018 PVR
- Section 8: Panel feedback on the PVR process