Facts and Figures 2020

MAC’s annual flagship publication detailing the latest trends in the Canadian mining industry.

The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) is the national organization of the Canadian mining industry. We represent companies involved in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication. Our member companies account for most of Canada’s output of metals and minerals.

MAC’s functions include advocacy, stewardship and collaboration. Our goals are to promote the industry’s interests nationally and internationally, to work with governments on policies affecting minerals, to inform the public and to encourage member firms to cooperate to solve common problems. We work closely with provincial and territorial mining associations, other industries, and environmental and community groups in Canada and around the world.

Related Resources

Presentation  | 
A medida que la demanda de minerales y metales sigue creciendo, y siendo Canadá un líder indiscutible en materia de prácticas mineras sostenibles, hay un enorme potencial para que el[...]

Popular Resources

Report  | 
MAC’s annual flagship publication detailing the latest trends in the Canadian mining industry.

Canadian Mining Stories

The sector is a major economic driver in our Canadian economy and a great contributor to jobs and leading technologies and here are our stories. 

Carla Wytrykush

Carla Wytrykush is a Canadian ecologist and a member of Syncrude Canada Ltd.’s multi-disciplinary team that is, through innovative reclamation efforts, turning a former oil sands mine into a lake...

Technology that Makes the Every Day More Sustainable

Mining provides the minerals and metals that are essential to household items Canadians use every day, and it is important that the process of extracting these resources is done in...

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