MAC Response to the COI Panel’s Advisory Statement on Climate Change, “Rising to the Challenge”

In both the Panel Statement and through several engagements with the Panel on this subject, MAC heard the following with respect to climate change

The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) and its members are committed to supporting an orderly transition toward a lower carbon future, and to being a constructive partner to the Government of Canada in the development of public policy to address climate change. MAC is equally committed to an ongoing and meaningful dialogue with our Community of Interest Advisory Panel (COI Panel) on issues of mutual concern, including climate change.

On November 4, 2016, the COI Panel released Rising to the Challenge: Advisory Statement on Climate Change to MAC and MAC Members (the Panel Statement).1 The Panel Statement proposed specific ideas and actions to assist MAC and its members in building on the progress they have already made in addressing climate change, and to help guide future endeavours with respect to planning, managing and operating mines and related activities.

Upon receipt of the Panel Statement, MAC committed to reviewing and issuing a formal response. What follows is MAC’s response to the Panel Statement.

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