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TSM Progress Report 2010

Measuring our members’ latest TSM performance.

TSM made great strides in 2009. One TSM protocol was updated, and two new protocols and a new policy framework were approved. These are the first additions we have made to the TSM reporting system since the initiative was announced in 2005.

The MAC Board of Directors approved a new policy framework and a new TSM protocol on safety and health. This protocol was developed in record time thanks to MAC members’ expertise and commitment to the issues of employee, contractor and community health and safety. The new protocol fills a visible hole in the set of TSM performance indicators.

The existing external outreach protocol was reviewed and redrafted to better incorporate issues related to Aboriginal community outreach from the mining and Aboriginal peoples policy framework adopted by the MAC Board in 2008.

Finally, the Board approved a new TSM protocol on biodiversity conservation management, just in time to celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity in 2010.

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