Protocolo de manejo de relaves (Tailings protocol SPANISH)

El Protocolo de manejo de relaves (el Protocolo) se apoya en la Tabla de conformidad y ofrece cinco indicadores para medir la calidad y la exhaustividad de los sistemas de manejo de relaves. La aplicación del Protocolo y la medición del desempeño se apoyan en dos documentos de guía elaborados por la Asociación Minera de […]

Opinion: Allowing oilsands mines to treat and release water key to reclamation

The recent publication of the Government of Canada’s Introduction to the Crown-Indigenous Working Group for the Potential Oil Sands Mining Effluent Regulations paper provides important information highlighting how regulations could enable the oilsands mining industry to accelerate land reclamation by working towards an important part of the solution — managing major volumes of mine water the sector […]

Annual Report 2022

Much has happened over the past two years, with impacts from the ongoing pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine being felt on a global scale with both having brought the security of supply vulnerabilities into sharp focus for many countries and consequently accelerating the desire of Canadians to source and produce locally, with greater self-reliance. […]

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