TSM Progress Report 2011

Measuring our members’ latest TSM performance.

Up to now MAC members have been reporting their performance in four areas, or elements: tailings management, energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions management, external outreach and crisis management planning.

Last year MAC introduced three new performance elements – the first since TSM began in 2004 – that will be integrated into TSM over the next few years. In 2010 members began reporting to MAC their scores for the three elements: biodiversity conservation management, safety and health, and Aboriginal and community outreach (this last element will replace external outreach). By 2013 all MAC members will publicly report their performance under these new elements.

In 2011 our members will continue to develop a protocol to address mine closure. They will also focus on improving their performance in the areas of biodiversity conservation as well as energy use and GHG emissions management.

You will notice that the TSM rating system has changed from numerical to alphabetical. We consider Level A to be good performance. MAC members are leaders when they achieve Level AAA.

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