MAC members are constantly seeking innovative approaches to improve performance and raise the bar in corporate social responsibility. We believe that we have a responsibility to respect and conserve the environment around us, protect the safety and health of our employees and communities, and leave lasting benefits beyond the life of a mine. The way we conduct our business is guided by the priorities and values of Canadians.
With the invaluable advice from the COI Advisory Panel and the commitment from MAC members, TSM continues to evolve to address pressing issues. In 2011 MAC members were introduced to two new performance protocols – biodiversity conservation, and safety and health. Over the last year, MAC worked with members to implement the new performance protocols at operations across the country. The 2013 TSM Progress Report will include industry results for all six performance areas, including biodiversity conservation, and safety and health.
In addition to introducing new performance protocols, 2011 brought some significant changes to the program, including a renewal of the COI Advisory Panel. This renewal was initiated by the non-industry members of the Panel, with the objective to review the mandate of the Panel and ensure that it remains a place for rich dialogue between the Canadian mining industry and civil society. As a result of this renewal, we welcome several new members to the Panel and say goodbye and express our gratitude to many long-serving members.