Welcome to the 2015 TSM Progress Report. We are pleased to present a detailed look at our members’ environmental and social performance for 2014. In 2014, MAC members continued to demonstrate overall high TSM performance results in all areas. Some highlights include:
- There was a notable lift in results for TSM’s newest protocol, biodiversity conservation management. In 2014, 67% of facilities achieved a Level A or higher for biodiversity conservation reporting, compared to 55% in 2013.
- For the first time in the Aboriginal and community outreach protocol, more than 90% of facilities achieved at least a Level A, with the majority of facilities achieving a Level AAA.
- Overall progress was made in the energy use and GHG emissions management protocol. In 2014, 75% of facilities reported a Level A or higher for having a comprehensive energy use and GHG emissions management system – an increase of 15% year-over-year for this indicator.