The Mining Association of Canada welcomes today’s announcement that Canadian Pacific Railway and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference have agreed to a voluntary arbitration process. We thank the federal government and all parties for working towards an efficient resolution to this work stoppage, ensuring the continued movement of Canadian mining products to our customers around the world and the protection of Canadian jobs.
The mining industry is the most significant customer of Canada’s Class I railways, consistently accounting for both the majority (over 52% in 2013) of rail freight revenues generated each year, and the largest volume (46% in 2013) carried annually. The vast majority of this volume is shipped to international customers, together accounting for approximately 20% of the total value of Canada’s exports.
The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) is the national organization of the Canadian mining industry, comprising companies engaged in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication. The industry contributed $54 billion to Canada’s GDP in 2013, employed 380,000 workers for the same year, and has paid over $71 billion in taxes and royalties to governments over the last decade.