TSM Reporting Database: “How To” Guide – Facilities

Add A New Facility

1) Select the “Facilities” tab from the menu to view your company’s list of facilities.

2) To add a new facility, select the “New facility” button at the bottom of the page.

3) Enter the following information for your new facility.

Name your new facility.
Add the name of your new facility in the “Title” field.

Add your new facility’s address.
Type your new facility’s address into the “Address” field. Select the address from the dropdown once it appears.

Is your new facility a corporate office?
If your new facility is a corporate office, select “Yes” from the “Corporate Office” dropdown.

Does your new facility operate outside of Canada?
If your new facility operates outside of Canada (i.e., if your new facility is an international operation), select “Yes” from the “International Operations” dropdown.

4) Once you have added all of the above information for your new facility, select the “Create facility” button. Your new facility should now appear under your company’s list of facilities (see step 1).

Edit An Existing Facility

1) Select the “Facilities” tab from the menu to view your company’s list of facilities.

2) From the list, find the facility you wish to edit and select the “Edit” button (found under the “Action” column).

3) Edit any of the following information for your facility.

Re-name your facility.
Edit the name of your facility in the “Title” field.

Edit your facility’s address.
Type your facility’s address into the “Address” field. Select the address from the dropdown once it appears.

Is your facility a corporate office?
If your facility is a corporate office, select “Yes” from the “Corporate Office” dropdown.

Does your facility operate outside of Canada?
If your facility operates outside of Canada (i.e., if your new facility is an international operation), select “Yes” from the “International Operations” dropdown.

4) Once you have edited/updated all of the relevant information for your facility, select the “Update facility” button to save your changes.

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