Add a New Voluntary Principle Statement
1) Select the “Voluntary Principles” tab from the menu to view a list of your company’s submitted voluntary principle statements.
2) To create a new entry, select the “New Voluntary Principle” button at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: A separate entry must be created for each year your company submits a voluntary principle statement.
3) Enter the following information for your new voluntary principle submission.
Name your voluntary principle statement.
In the “Title” field, enter the year of your submission, the name of your company, and the type of information you are submitting (e.g., 2017 | B2Gold | Voluntary Principle).
Set the year.
In the “Year” field, enter the year that corresponds to your voluntary principle statement.
Enter your voluntary principle statement.
In the “Voluntary Principle Statement” text area, enter the full text of your voluntary principle statement.
4) Click the “Create Voluntary Principle” button to create your entry. Your new entry should appear under your company’s list of Voluntary Principles (see step 1).
NOTE: You can also create a draft of your entry if you plan on returning to it later. Click the “Save Draft” button and under your company’s list of Voluntary Principles, your entry will be listed, with the status “Draft.”
Edit a Drafted Voluntary Principle Statement
1) Select the “Voluntary Principles” tab from the menu to view a list of your company’s submitted letters of assurance.
2) To continue working on an entry you’ve saved as a draft, find the entry in question and select the “Edit” button (found under the “Status” column).
NOTE: A separate entry must be created for each year your company submits a voluntary principle statement.
3) Enter the following information for your new voluntary principle submission.
Name your voluntary principle statement.
In the “Title” field, enter the year of your submission, the name of your company, and the type of information you are submitting (e.g., 2017 | B2Gold | Voluntary Principle).
Set the year.
In the “Year” field, enter the year that corresponds to your voluntary principle statement.
Enter your voluntary principle statement.
In the “Voluntary Principle Statement” text area, enter the full text of your voluntary principle statement.