Protocol Development and Review Process

TSM Protocol Development and Revision Process

TSM Protocols are developed and/or revised in a multi-stakeholder basis through a prescribed and methodical process aimed at maximizing the rigour and relevance of each protocol.  The process aims to ensure balanced perspectives are included from subject matter experts and those that will have to implement the protocols.  The process also includes opportunities for public review and input.    The revision process can take as little one year, with the development of new protocols taking as much as two years.

The process for developing or revising a TSM protocol is as follows:

Step 1: Initiate development or review— A suggestion to develop a new TSM protocol may come from Mining Association of Canada (MAC) members, members of the Community of Interest Panel (COI Panel), members of other MAC subject matter expert committees, or external stakeholders. This suggestion might arise, for example, following a major environmental or social incident, or in the context of evolving investor or stakeholder expectations. The decision to embark on the development of a new protocol must then be discussed and approved by both the MAC Board and COI Panel. For existing TSM protocols, a minor review is scheduled approximately every nine years, at a rate of one protocol per year, as outlined in the review schedule below. The MAC Board and COI Panel may jointly decide to prioritize a comprehensive protocol review outside of the posted schedule based on the principles outlined below the review schedule.

Step 2: Convene working group—MAC seeks volunteers from its members and TSM Partner Associations to participate in a working group responsible for the protocol development or revision process. This working group typically involves a mix of individuals responsible for implementation of TSM at their respective companies and subject matter experts relevant to the protocol under development or revision. External experts are also invited to participate in the process. (Time required: 1-2 months)

Step 3: Draft and consult on scope of work—The initial meetings of the working group focus on identifying possible areas of focus for the development or revision process, which are summarized in a draft scope of work. (Time required: 1-2 months)

Step 4: Consult on scope of work—MAC seeks feedback on the draft scope of work from TSM Initiative Leaders, the TSM Governance Team, the COI Panel, and the MAC Board. More information about each of these bodies is available here. The working group then finalizes the draft scope of work. (Time required: 2-3 months)

Step 5: Approve scope of work—MAC seeks approval of the scope of work from both the COI Panel and the MAC Board before proceeding with the development or revision process. (Time required: 2-3 months)

Step 6: Draft and consult on protocol—MAC convenes the working group on a regular basis (weekly or monthly, depending on the scope of the project) to execute the areas of focus identified in the approved scope of work. Throughout the drafting process, MAC provides updates and seeks feedback and direction on the draft documents at regularly scheduled meetings of the TSM Initiative Leaders, the TSM Governance Team, the COI Panel, and the MAC Board. (Time required: 4-6 months)

Step 7: Seek public feedback—A public comment period is required for all significant changes to TSM protocols or policies. MAC typically posts draft documents for 30 days, though the duration of the comment period may be adjusted if required. (Time required: 1-2 months). 

Step 8: Incorporate public feedback—MAC reviews and summarizes all feedback received during the public comment period and reconvenes the working group to consider and respond to the feedback. The working group then continues to refine, and finalize, the draft protocol. (Time required: 2-3 months). A summary of the input provided through the public comment period and how it was taken into account will be published on the MAC TSM webpage.

Step 9: Approve revised protocol—MAC seeks approval of the final protocol from both the MAC Board and COI Panel. If either body requests changes to the document prior to approval, the decision is deferred to the next scheduled meeting. Depending on the nature of requested changes, final approval may be sought via e-mail. (Time required: 2-6 months)

TSM Protocol Review Schedule

MAC regularly reviews the TSM protocols in order to ensure that they meet emerging expectations and drive continual improvements in performance across the mining industry.  Below is a schedule of planned minor reviews of the TSM protocols. This schedule is subject to change based on the principles outlined further below.


Planned Review

Climate Change


Water Stewardship


Biodiversity Conservation Management


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


Crisis Management and Communications Planning


Safety, Healthy, and Respectful Workplaces


Tailings Management

Annually or biannually

Preventing Child and Forced Labour

Not scheduled

Indigenous and Community Relationships

Not scheduled

*This review is likely to be delayed due to ongoing work on standards consolidation between TSM, the International Council on Mining and Metals, the World Gold Council, and The Copper Mark in 2024.

Principles to be considered in decisions to trigger comprehensive protocol reviews:

 1. Major incidents: Environmental, social, or health and safety incidents receiving widespread attention in the national or international mining sector.

 2. Global dynamics: Significant changes in technologies, politics, trade, investment, stakeholder expectations, or other dynamics of relevance to the mining sector.

 3. Regulatory landscape: Actual or anticipated changes in regulation.

 4. Industry performance: A high proportion (e.g., 90%) of facilities reporting Level AA or higher across most indicators of a particular protocol.

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